SOLVING LAPLACE'S EQUATION IN TWO DIMENSIONS USING BOUNDARY INTEGRAL EQUATIONS This is a very brief discussion of the programs "drchlt.f" and "neuman.f", for solving the Dirichlet problem and the Neumann problem for Laplace's equation in two dimensions. For complete details, see the following associated paper. K. Atkinson & Y. Jeon, "Automatic boundary integral equation programs for the planar Laplace equation", ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. The featured programs are named "drchlt.f" and "neuman.f", and the associated test driver programs are named "drchlt_driver.f" and "neuman_driver.f". You will also need the files "d1mach.f" and "lasys.f", with the latter containing needed codes from LAPACK. If you have access to LAPACK separately, you do not need "lasys.f". For "neuman.f", you will need in addition the file "rfft_pack.f". These files are all provided here. The program "d1mach.f", as given, is configured for the workstations given later in this document; and it may need to be reconfigured for other machines. The most up-to-date version of "d1mach.f" can be obtained from the Netlib archive at the web site All of our programs are written in Fortran in double precision. Two sample input data files are included, and they are identifiable with the suffix "data". The corresponding output files are also given, and they are easily identifiable from their names and the suffix "ans.orig". The programs have been compiled and run on 4 types of workstations and also under MS Fortran on a PC. The workstations used are as follows. SGI O2 Fortran 90 HP C200 Fortran 90 HP 720 Fortran 90 IBM RS/6000 Fortran 77 The output files supplied by the authors were computed on the HP C200. The programs were compiled and linked with the default options for the Hewlett-Packard Fortran 90 compiler. For additional information on the use of these programs, please feel free to contact the authors at the following e_mail addresses: In addition, see the web site URL Corrections and updates will be noted here. Date of current code: 7 April 1998